Foxfire Enterprises, Inc. manufactures cleaning and waterproofing products for a wide variety of surfaces and applications.
With a two-decade history of reliable performance, Foxfire products fall into three categories: crystalline treatments, cleaners, and repellents.
Our products
Are a comprehensive range of treatments for brick, concrete, masonry, stone, porous tile, and under toppings.
Foxfire Matrix Pro® Advantage
Foxfire’s spray-applied permanent concrete treatment for commercial concrete is formulated for protection, curing, strengthening, corrosion prevention, and internal waterproofing of green or aged, horizontal or vertical, concrete substrates. Foxfire’s environmentally-friendly, zero-VOC, waterborne formulation offers the ultimate protection in a single component two-step process that, among other benefits, purges chloride ions and reduces alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) to inhibit destructive swelling in concrete.
Scott Lupini, President
Lupini Construction Inc have used Foxfire products in the past for certain applications and have had positive results with remediating water infiltration issues our clients were experiencing. We will continue to call on Foxfire for their products on projects.
Bill Ciggelakis, P.E.
I have specified the FOXFIRE line of products for multiple concrete repair and restoration projects in which I have provided engineering services. While the physical surface preparation is essential to concrete repair and restoration, the use of quality materials is equally important. I have tested and measured the restoration of pH within concrete for the restoration of the passive protection of reinforcing steel. I have observed the FOXFIRE products to mitigate dusting of highly carbonated concrete decks in parking garages. I consider FOXFIRE to be a manufacturer of premiere quality products. William Ciggelakis, P.E. (TX, LA, AZ)
Rick Watson, President
Over the years, I’ve treated more than a million square feet of concrete, masonry and stone with Foxfire products with consistently excellent results that have stood the test of time. In fact, I’ve never had a bad experience with Foxfire. Foxfire Matrix Pro® crystalline waterproofing and Foxfire SS-WB™ sealer (formerly Foxfire 5000WB), especially, are go-to resources for Surmac, and are routinely used on projects ranging from historical restorations to the protective treatment of new structures. I feel good about being able to offer my customers Foxfire’s extremely high-performing, proven solutions at competitive prices.

Professional Solutions for
Engineers, Architects, Contractors, and Facilities Owners.